Medical Management Plan (or Asthma Action Plan)


Risk Minimisation Plan


Medical Communication Plan


*From our Asthma Management Policy*


Asthma is a chronic health condition affecting approximately 15% of children. It is one of the most common reasons for childhood admission to the hospital. Community education and correct asthma management will assist to minimize the impact of asthma. It is generally accepted that children under the age of six do not have the skills or ability to recognize and manage their own asthma effectively. Our Out of School Hours Care (OSHC) Service recognizes the need to educate its staff and families about asthma and to implement responsible asthma management strategies.  


We are committed to being an Asthma Friendly Service as outlined by Asthma Australia. This means: 

Source: Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority ( 


Our Out of School Hours Care (OSHC) Service has a legal responsibility to take reasonable steps to ensure the health needs of children enrolled in the service are met. This includes our responsibility to provide 

  1. a safe environment free from foreseeable harm and  
  2. adequate Supervision for children. 


Staff members, including relief staff, need to be aware of children at the OSHC Service who suffer from allergies, including asthma, and know enough about asthma reactions to ensure the safety and well-being of the children. Management will ensure all staff are aware of children’s medical management plans and risk management plans. 



Asthma is clinically defined as a chronic lung disease, which can be controlled but not cured. In clinical practice, asthma is defined by the presence of both excessive variation in lung function, i.e. variation in expiratory airflow that is greater than that seen in healthy children (‘variable airflow limitation’), and respiratory symptoms (e.g. wheezing, shortness of breath, cough, chest tightness) that vary over time and may be present or absent at any point in time (National Asthma Council Australia, 2015, p.4).  


Asthma affects approximately one in 10 Australian children and adults. It is the most common reason for childhood admission to hospital. However, with correct asthma management people with asthma need not restrict their daily activities. Community education assists in generating a better understanding of asthma within the community and minimising its impact. 


 Symptoms of asthma include wheezing, coughing (particularly at night), chest tightness, difficulty in breathing, and shortness of breath, and symptoms may vary between children. It is generally accepted that children under six years of age do not have the skills and ability to recognise and manage their own asthma without adult assistance. Our OSHC Service recognises the need to educate the staff and parents/guardians about asthma and to promote responsible asthma management strategies.  

Asthma causes three main changes to the airways inside the lungs, and all of these can happen together: 


Legislation that governs the operation of approved children’s services is based on the health, safety, and welfare of children, and requires that children be protected from hazards and harm. Our OSHC Service will ensure that there is at least one educator on duty at all times who has current approved emergency asthma management training in accordance with the Education and Care Services National Regulations.  



We will involve all educators, families, and children in regular discussions about medical conditions and general health and well-being throughout our curriculum. Our OSHC Service will adhere to privacy and confidentiality procedures when dealing with individual health needs. It is imperative that all educators and volunteers at our OSHC Service follow each individual child’s Medical Management Plan in the event of an incident related to a child’s specific healthcare need, allergy, or medical condition.