Kensington Public School OOSH care Inc. is an Incorporated Association registered with the Department of Fair Trading, operates as a non – profit organisation.

Our parent-based Management Committee volunteers their time to oversee the smooth running of the centre. Committee meetings are held on a regular basis throughout the year and parent participation is encouraged. Notices of meetings are in our monthly newsletters.

Joining a Parent Committee can be a rewarding way to become involved in your child’s learning experience. We welcome the commitment, knowledge, participation and voluntary contribution each committee member brings to the school-aged child sector.

Community involvement is the most successful way to deliver truly inclusive and responsive services, and we hope that your participation connects, empowers and enriches your experience with your child’s early education.

We welcome the opportunity to partner with you to ensure the best outcomes for children and families in your local community. Kensington Public School OOSH care Inc is constantly striving for improvement in the service we deliver.

We would like to take the opportunity to answer some of the more frequently asked questions that our families might have about our committee at Kensington Public School OOSH Care Inc.

Is the centre privately owned?

No. The centre building and land are owned by Dept of Education and leased to Kensington Public School OOSH care Inc.

So who owns the business?

You do! As a Non-Profit community organisation, any parent or interested community person may join the Parent Management Committee and provide input into the running of the Centre and the decisions made to provide a quality Child Care service.

Who runs the business?

A management committee is made up of a President, a Vice President, a Secretary and a Treasurer plus other ordinary members. As well as Parents and Guardians, these ordinary members may be representatives of Kensington Public School OOSH Care Incorporated.
The Management Committee makes decisions on where to spend the funding, budgeting for the financial year and other matters concerning the upkeep, staffing and equipping of the Centre. The Committee also formulates and provides input into the policies of the Centre.
The Committee appoints a Director to take care of the day to day running of the Centre and an Administration Officer who takes care of the financial requirements of the Centre. The Director employs qualified personnel to staff the Centre.

Who sets the fees for my Child Care?

The Management Committee does. This means that you are able to have direct input into the amount of money your fees cost – all parents are welcome to join us at any Meeting we hold to have their say and to join the Committee if they would like to be able to vote and directly affect the outcomes of the meeting.

What if we don’t have a Management Committee or any people who want to volunteer?

The centre would be forced to close down. You can’t have a business running itself – someone has to ‘own’ or manage the business. In a Non-Profit organisation this cannot be just one or two people but a ‘Committee’. There is legislation on how a Management Committee is formed and what rights they have, plus the rules on how they can manage the organisation and financial obligations.

But l wouldn’t be any good – don’t know anything about running a business?

You don’t have to have any experience in running a business. Any parent who has to balance a weekly wage against expenses can formulate a budget! All parents are organisers – we have to be!
So, your life skills and experience are worth a lot more than a professional qualification with no experience. Admittedly, it does help if you have some knowledge of basic bookkeeping in order to be the Treasurer, but it is not strictly necessary.

But what if l don’t have the time to be on the Committee?

Generally speaking, ordinary members donate 1-2 hours every two months to a meeting. The Executive members may be required to put in an extra couple of hours depending on any matters arising.

Can l go straight to the top?

Yes, of course! We hold an Annual General Meeting every year, at this time all Committee Members and Executive members step down. A new Committee is proposed and a new President, Secretary and Treasurer are appointed.

What if l have more questions?

If you have any questions on any area of the Management Committee please feel free to email your Director at [email protected], or approach any Executive Management Committee member, to see who they are please click here

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